You will be covered for taking part in any Adventure/Hazardous Pursuit listed below without extra charge, subject to any terms, conditions or restrictions stated alongside the activity and the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Policy. If you are going to take part in any activity which may be considered dangerous or Hazardous that is not detailed below please refer to the link to Category 3 & Category 4 or contact us to see if we can provide cover.
The following lists detail the sports and activities that this policy will cover. The sports and activities in Activity Categories 3 and 4 will only be covered if shown on the Validation Certificate. All sports and activities are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions in this policy. You must also ensure that you are adequately supervised while undertaking the sport and/ or activity and that you are wearing the appropriate safety equipment at all times. If you do not do this, then we may not pay your claim. Certain restrictions apply to some sports and activities as set out below.
Cover for activities as listed under the various Categories below are covered when participated in on a recreational and amateur basis only and not for competitions or any professional activity unless specifically agreed with Globelink International in writing.
We will not pay for claims arising directly or indirectly from:
Professional sports or entertaining: Your participation in or practice of any professional sports or professional entertaining.
Other sports or activities: Your participation in or practice of any other sport or activity, manual work, driving any motorised vehicle in motor rallies or competitions or racing unless:
a) specified in the lists under this Appendix A below or
b) shown as covered in the Validation Certificate when the additional premium is paid to extend policy cover for specified activities.
If you are going to take part in any activity which may be considered dangerous that is not detailed below, please contact: Globelink International at: or call +357 240 30337 as we may be able to offer cover for an additional premium.
Details of the sports and activities which you have purchased for cover will be shown in the Validation Certificate.
The following sports and activities are covered under all sections except for those noted below.
Please note:
All sports and activities marked with (*) in this category are not covered under Section H Personal Liability. All sports and activities marked with two asterisks in this category (**) are not covered under H Personal Liability, nor Section C Personal Accident.
Up to 4000 metres above sea level on organised tours and recognised routes, not involving any technical climbing. Search &, Rescue for medical reasons only. For Trekking above 4000 metres please contact Globelink International. Additional premiums and conditions will apply.
up to a Maximum engine capacity of 250cc
You must hold full driving license in your own Home Country for cc rating being ridden. A safety helmet must be worn at all times and must be on recognised roads. No cover for off-road, racing or competitions. For cc rating over 250cc please email
Manual Occupations Inc Voluntary Work
Only at ground level and involving no more than hand tools.
Paintballing / War Games
Wearing eye protection.
Must be licensed operator with professional guide and only in EU, EEA, USA, Canada, Australia &, New Zealand.
Pony Trekking
Wearing protective gear.
Safari Trekking (Organised Tours Only)
Not involving the use of firearms. Must be organised tour.
Sand Boarding
Sand Dune Surfing/Sand skiing
Sand Yachting
No Racing
Students working
Students working as counsellors or university exchanges for practical course work (manual work at ground level using no more than hand tools).
Street Hockey
Tall Ship Crewing
No Racing
Volunteer Work
Includes manual work at ground level using no more than hand tools.
War Games / Paint Balling
Eye &, body protection must be worn. No Personal Liability cover.
Includes Volunteer work / manual work at ground level using no more than hand tools.
In addition to cover for Category 1 and 2 activities you can extend cover to the Category 3 activities below for an additional premium subject to any terms, conditions or restrictions stated alongside the activity and the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Policy. If you are going to take part in any activity which may be considered more dangerous or Hazardous that is not detailed below please click on the link to Category 4 or contact us to see if we can provide cover.
The following sports and activities are covered under this insurance if the policyholder has paid the appropriate additional premium and this is shown on the Validation Certificate.
Please note:
Individual sports and activities in this category are subject to certain restrictions as highlighted in bold and in brackets below. All sports and activities in this category are not covered under Section C Personal Accident, nor Section H Personal Liability.
activity Category 3 / hazardous pursuits (Subject to a €300 Excess)
Additional Premium of €40.25 / €300 Excess applies to Medical Expenses Claims / No Personal Accident cover and No Personal Liability cover.
Black Water Rafting
Grade 4. Only as a passenger with no solo right of control.
Boxing / Kickboxing
Canoeing / Kayaking
Inland &, coastal waters only. Up to grade 3 waters.
Must be licensed operator EU, EEA, USA, Canada, Australia &, New Zealand. Within organisers guidelines and only as part of a pre-paid excursion led by professional guides/organisers.
In addition to cover for Category 1 and 2 activities you can extend cover to Category 4 activities below if you if you pay the appropriate additional premium. This will be noted on your policy Certificate, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions within your policy. Please note the restrictions that apply to individual Activities and note that the following restrictions apply to all Activities shown below.
All Activities must be carried out within organisers guidelines and will only be covered as part of a pre-arranged/organised activity led or instructed by professional guides or organisers.
All Activities have NO cover under “Section C – Personal Accident” of Policy Wording and NO cover under “Section H – Personal Liability.”
The following sports and activities are covered under this insurance if the policyholder has paid the appropriate additional premium and this is shown in the Validation Certificate.
Please note:
Individual sports and activities in this category are subject to certain restrictions as highlighted in bold and in brackets below. All sports and activities in this category must be carried out within organisers guidelines and will only be covered as part of a prearranged/organised activity led or instructed by professional guides or organisers. All sports and activities in this category are not covered under Section C Personal Accident or Section H Personal Liability.
activity Category 4 / hazardous pursuits (Subject to a €500 Excess)
Additional Premium of €80.50 / €500 Excess applies to Medical Expenses Claims / No Personal Accident cover and No Personal Liability cover.
Tandem jumps with an instructor &ndash, no solo diving. It should be performed with licensed operator in EU, EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. For solo Sky Diving please contact us by email at
This insurance is extended to cover you whilst engaging in underwater activities requiring the use of artificial breathing apparatus (scuba) subject to you being approved as medically fit to dive by the person or company who/which has organised the diving, and subject otherwise to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of this insurance.
What is not covered:
This insurance does not cover claims directly or indirectly arising from, happening through or as a result of:
Diving by persons not holding a recognised certificate for the type of diving being undertaken, or not under professional instruction.
Diving without proper equipment and/or contrary to codes of good practice according to bona fide organisations such as PADI or BSAC.
Diving to depths greater than 30 metres (or 50 metres if additional premium paid).
Solo diving or night diving or specifically organised cave diving or diving for hire or reward.
Flying within 24 hours of last dive or diving whilst suffering from a cold, influenza, infection or obstruction of the sinuses or ears.
Diving by persons aged under 12 years of age or over 65.